Nantwich Sales & Lettings, Wright Marshall,
56 High Street, Nantwich, Cheshire, CW5 5BB
2018 is here and with the new year comes a flurry of resolutions and promises, all aiming to make this the best year yet. The new year often brings change and for some, this might mean moving to a new house. As exciting as the thought of a perfect new home is, it can also be a little daunting.
Here at Wright Marshall, we understand how overwhelming it is to pack up your entire life – but believe us when we say that you’ll have a stress-free experience if you do everything in advance. You certainly don’t want to start packing up the day before your moving date. If you’re looking for ways to overcome your moving worries, read on for our tips…
First things first, have a de-clutter of your home – a new house is a fresh start and you’ll probably want to avoid taking any clutter with you. Perhaps think about donating some items to charity or have a car-boot sale. If you’re struggling to sell anything, Freecycle is a great alternative, giving household items a new lease of life – plus it’s an environmentally friendly last resort as opposed to just throwing something away.
Delving into your attic or basement will no doubt take you down memory lane, looking at old photographs or school books. With this in mind, it would be wise to leave yourself plenty of time, way in advance of your moving date. Before you leave your previous address, make sure to have your mail forwarded onto your new address – don’t miss out important letters, especially those that require a response.
After you’ve discarded anything that isn’t coming to the new house, it’ll be time to think about how many moving boxes you’ll need – it’s always sensible to overestimate as you don’t want to be short. To save rooting through box after box, use a labelling system and take an inventory of your items. You’ll certainly be thankful for this level of organisation in the long run, especially if you allocate a couple of boxes for all the immediate essentials you’ll need for your first day – for example, a kettle, snacks, cutlery, crockery, toilet paper and blankets. We’d also suggest packing overnight bags for everyone in the family so you have access to some spare clothes, pyjamas, toiletries and anything else that you wouldn’t want buried away in the moving boxes.
If you have a family pet, our previous blog on tips for moving to a new house with your furry friends will be an ideal read as we discuss the pre-move and how to get your dog or cat settled in their new home. Not only will it be a big change for you and your family, your pet will also be feeling the change in environment too, therefore it’s important to keep an eye on them.
On moving day, keep your floor protected by flattening out some cardboard boxes – you can’t predict the weather and if it rains, the last thing you’ll want is muddy footsteps in your new house. We’d suggest moving your furniture in first before bringing in the rest of your belongings, to minimise the chance of tripping over boxes as you try to navigate your sofa through the hallway.
We hope this provides you with some insight for your future moving day and if you’ve recently been thinking about a new home for the new year, we have properties that are suited to all, located across Cheshire, North Wales and Derbyshire. Get in touch with our team to find out more.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec odio. Quisque volutpat mattis eros.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec odio. Quisque volutpat mattis eros.