Nantwich Sales & Lettings, Wright Marshall,
56 High Street, Nantwich, Cheshire, CW5 5BB
First impressions are very important as your prospective purchaser will form an opinion within thirty seconds of drawing up outside your property, so make sure your garden and the approach to your house tidy. A well-kept garden usually looks larger and a fresh coat of paint on your front door and windowsills or even the door knocker can work wonders. Remember it is the first thing a viewer sees.
Be fresh. A well-aired room and fresh flowers can make a room feel more welcoming as can a warm home in winter. Clean a polish, ventilate and scrub and if necessary replace. It is well known that scented candles don’t clear a smoky room and often alert a buyer to the problem. Open windows and if possible banish the smoker to the end of the garden for the duration of the marketing. Consider sending your pets out for a walk during the viewings or better still arrange for them to stay with a relative or trusted friend. It will not help your sale prospects if the dog starts to bark from the moment your viewers arrive until they leave.
Tidy up and de-clutter. Some people manage to live naturally tidy lives but most mere mortals require an incentive and it will pay you to bother. A untidy room will not appeal to the discerning buyer and while you are at it, lose the cuddly toys, fridge magnets, kids drawings and family photographs to give a better impression of space and allow the prospective purchaser to visualise their own clutter there instead.
Think neutral decor. A bold or heavily themed room may deter buyers so if you really want to sell you need to get serious and appeal to someone else’s taste. It is quite amazing how much smaller dark rooms can look. You can always do your own thing once you move.
Loose Ends. If you have time do all the little jobs you have been meaning to do, but never got round to. From replacing the shower, touching up the paint work, fixing the dripping tap, dealing with a loose door handle or replacing the dud light bulbs. They are essential jobs that you don’t want your buyer to notice and wonder what else has been neglected.
Presentation. Present rooms with the appropriate furniture. If you use the fourth bedroom as a study or spare room try staging it with a bed, particularly if the dimensions are such that the buyer may be sceptical. Give them solutions not problems. Likewise, a breakfasting kitchen should be shown with a table and chairs in place.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec odio. Quisque volutpat mattis eros.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec odio. Quisque volutpat mattis eros.